Application Portfolio

This is to showcase some of our app portfolio, covering work we have done in the past and present. It also highlights the features of the app and our role in implementing them.

FindReels Android App

A beautiful and feature rich Android app for scheduling movies for Ghanaian cinemas. This is a free app available for download on the Google playstore.

Notable features:

  1. Movie listings with show times and dates.
  2. Movie reminder scheduler.
  3. Display of movie reviews and ratings.
  4. Widget support.

Developed the app from the ground app by transforming static mockups into functional UIs. Architectured the entire app with keen interest in maintainabily and testability of the code base. Has about 86% test coverage.

Implemented a custom view for displaying the list of reminders. Took advantage of the transition APIs and implemented smooth animations when transitioning between views and activities.


SMSsync is a simple, yet powerful Android app that turns any Android phone into a local SMS gateway by sending incoming messages(SMS) to a configured web service.

Notable features:

  1. Scheduler to automatically synchronize incoming messages.
  2. Keyword based SMS filtering.
  3. Multiple language support.
  4. Multiple web service support.
  5. Supports Android 9 and above.
  6. Logger to log app activities.
  7. Two way HTTP communication between phone and web service.

An active Free & Open Source application with over 20 contributors from across the globe. In recent times it has seen a lot of stars( over 400 ) and forks( over 300 ) on It has been installed over 30,000 times on the Google Playstore. Led the project development and maintenance.

Spotify Music Player

A music player that displays an artist’s top 10 tracks on Spotify and provides streaming playback of audio using Android’s Mediaplayer APIs.

Notable features:

  1. Search artist by name.
  2. Audio playback.
  3. Playback notification when screen is locked.

This is a demo app showcasing the use of the Android mediaplayer APIs. It’s open sourced on github. Feel free to browse through the code.

kasahorow Android App

An Android keyboard for serveral Ghanaian languages including Akan, Ga, Ewe, Hausa, etc.

Notable features:

  1. Supports multiple keyboard layouts.
  2. Gesture typing.
  3. Themes.

This project is a fork of AnySoftKeyboard adding support for the Ghanaian languages. Also added custom theme for the keyboard layouts.

An active Free & Open Source application with contribution from the open source community. Available on the Google Playstore for download.